Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday Monday

Today was one of those Mondays! Too much craziness, too much work, and I was way too tired. I guess I am just too old to stay out until three in the morning on Saturday and expect to be completely awake on Monday. I still managed to get some things accomplished that really needed to be done. It felt good.

But, then there was an "impromptu faculty meeting." I hate politics. And I hate that it seems like public school educators are always being attacked. My school has made amazing advances in the past few years, but it doesn't get recognition for the progress, only the problems. It gets very frustrating. I know my blood pressure is going to correct itself after I retire.

1 comment:

  1. Go Rebels!!
    (that's an obscure reference and "kudos" to the advances your school has made)
    There's just no pleasin' some folks.
