Monday, September 7, 2009

Exercise this

I really like to exercise. It makes me feel more energetic, more alive. I get so much more done when I exercise regularly. That's why I am really looking forward to retirement--so I can get more regular exercise, be more alive, do more. However, it is really difficult for me, no; make that impossible for me to get a regular exercise schedule going while I am working. Where do I find the time? I don't have it before I go off to work, instead I use the time I do have to do yoga at home. After work I have to get home to Elvis, because he's been standing around with his legs crossed for hours (or worse still, he has hoisted it in his crate). When we get back from his walk, it's time to start dinner. Going after dinner is out because I want to spend some time with Elvis and he-who-shall-not-be-named, and after that it would be way too late to get pumped up from exercise. I already have enough trouble getting to sleep; besides there are so many other things that need to be done before I can crawl into bed. It's a catch twenty-two situation--I'm too tired and don't have enough time to go get the exercise that would give me more energy to get things done.

I suppose, existentially speaking, I am not being truthful to myself, and that I must not really want to exercise, or I would. But, it's been a long time since I read any of the existentialists, and I've forgotten most of it anyway. With all due respect, Nietzsche didn't live in the twenty-first century, so what does he know about the truth of living today?

1 comment:

  1. If you were doing something fun it wouldn't feel so much like a chore. I was watching "So You Think You Can Dance" and saw three tap dancers that were fabulous. It made me think of you. When I grow up I want to be a dancer too. Ha!
