Thursday, September 3, 2009

Don't touch my Red Bull

A colleague/friend came into the library today to vent about the fact that, once again, someone had removed some common-use materials from the teacher workroom, making them unavailable to her when she needed them. To add to her frustration was the fact that whoever took the items, did not bother to leave a note saying where they had taken them, or when (or if) they would bring them back! This is rude, inconsiderate and selfish. Someone once took one of my Red Bulls out of the refrigerator, leaving me without one. I NEEDED that Red Bull! In those days I would turn into a bear in the afternoons if I didn't have one. It was a mean and dangerous thing taking it. So, I was glad when my friend came to vent. She needed to get some of that anger out. Besides, it was only fair since I had been in her classroom the day before ranting about my own work related frustrations.

Of course I don't expect to always agree with what goes on at work, nor even to like it. But, there comes a time when you know that you just don't want to deal with it any longer; when it is time to move on.

1 comment:

  1. Note to self - do not ever take a Red Bull from Rebecca's fridge.
