Monday, August 31, 2009

Margarita Monday

It is tradition for this guy that I live with (he wants to remain anonymous) and I to go out for Mexican food and margaritas on Monday nights. I like this tradition a lot. Mondays always seem like the most difficult day at work, and I am too exhausted to even think about fixing something for dinner, much less cook it, when I get home. Being able to look forward to going out to dinner helps me make it through the day. I think, however, if I didn't have to go to work the next day, my margarita would be much more enjoyable. So, I have another reason for looking forward to retirement. But, what if he-who-shall-not-be-named expects me to start cooking dinner on Mondays when I am no longer working all day? Nah, that won't happen. He likes the tradition as much as I do. Besides, I won't let it happen.

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