Monday, August 24, 2009

Past, present and future

Now, don't get me wrong folks. I haven't been spending my life just living for my future retirement. I have actually always lived maybe a little too much in the present--though not necessarily the reality present. My first sage advise about living in the present came from Naomi Brossart as Jacqueline Kennedy on The First Family album, which came out when I was 12. I'm sure it was the first comedy album I ever heard. My parents bought a copy, and I proceeded to learn to impersonate Jackie Kennedy. I knew all of her lines and intonations, and I swear I sounded like her--that whispy, breathy voice. (As an aside, I moved on to impersonating Mick Jagger.) One of the lines that I learned from that album was something like, "so many people poison each day thinking about tomorrow." That stuck with me. Then when I was in college, back in 1971, I bought Bab Ram Dass' book, Be Here Now and I've pretty much been here ever since. In fact, perhaps if I had been able to live a little bit more for the future, my retirement would be financially enhanced. I didn't realize when I was 12 that these were things Jackie Kennedy would never have to worry about. But, that is how it is, so now I think I am quite ready to live in the present in the future and retire!


  1. Hey, I'm out here reading you. I always thought that we were going to retire together and live among the scrabbly grasses and bushes of the hill country. But then my life happened and I had to move away and have a family and everything. I'll be with you in spirit, if not in body.

  2. Somehow the name "retiringme" just doesn't fit you. You are a lot of things but retiring isn't one of them...though, I'm loving the blog. Thanks!
