Saturday, August 29, 2009

Uncovered talents

When I was young I often thought about how grand it would be if I could live about three or four hundred years--retaining my physical and mental capacities of course, because there are so many things that I am interested in learning about and doing. (I used to actually have this mental picture of me as a goddess, happily pursuing my hobbies up in the clouds, and being very good at everything.) But, since I am not a goddess, how do I focus on one or two things when there are so many different things I would like to do? Without any innate talents to lead me in any particular direction, and knowing that it will take a lot of time and effort to become really good at anything because I lack innate talents, I have been bouncing around all my life. And it seems like when I start to focus on something, I get this little voice telling me that by spending too much time on this one thing, I'm depriving myself of all those other things I could be doing, and that I might even like better. My hope is that when I am retired I will feel I have enough time to get good really good at something, and still have time to move onto something else. Maybe that will enable me decide what to pursue and stick with it long enough.

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