Thursday, August 27, 2009

No more clocks!

I am so tired of having to wake up to a clock! I want to sleep until my body or my dog wakes me up. I want to be able to take my dog for a leisurely walk, come home, savor my breakfast, drink my tea, and immerse myself in my newspaper. I want to have time to read all of the editorials, even though there are some I will never read because they are too right-wing for me to stomach. It's such a heavenly dream! I tell my dog about it every day when I am walking him before leaving for work. I want this so much that it now takes me about three hours to get ready in the mornings.

So, I have to get up very early to make it to work on time. And then I have to stay up late enough to watch Jon Stewart, because without his sanity I would have a much harder time dealing with the world. So, I just don't get enough sleep. I need to retire so I can get some sleep!

1 comment:

  1. I like this blog....mostly because my "twin" is writing down (in cyberspace) many of the same thoughts that pop into my head over and over again throughout the day. My mornings are also longer, slower, and full of questions about "why the f*** am I still doing the same thing I've done for the last 29 years?" I have some ideas about this....but it's not my blog.
    Keep journaling Reebaca!!!retirement will arrive sooner!!!
