Sunday, December 13, 2009

Bad hair life

I was talking to my nephew today and asked him if he had any blogs. He said that he has had several in the past, but the problem with blogs is that you have to keep writing in them. I know that is true because my friend Annie already pointed out to me that I was supposed to write EVERY day in mine. But that expectation doesn't take into account the bad hair days, and I have lots of bad hair days. In fact, I don't really think of it in terms of days anymore. I just figure I'm having a bad hair life, which has made me wonder recently, just exactly what did I do in my last life that would have had such a negative affect on my current hair situation? And what life lesson am I supposed to be learning from all this bad hair anyway? I suppose it's probably not really about the hair. It's probably something more like, "don't sweat the small stuff." The problem I have with that is figuring out what IS the small stuff? That seems to vary with my momentary existential view of life. Sometimes everything is small, and at other times nothing is small, while at other times I seem to be able to get a true perspective on big and small. For the most part, however, it seems like the only thing I am certain about is that there is very little about which I am certain. The Rolling Stones--I've always (well since they came on the scene when I was about fourteen) been certain that they are my favorite rock 'n roll group. To me they represent the essence of rock 'n roll, and that is important. Maybe it all goes back to Tom Robbins' discussion of style in Another Roadside Attraction, where Amanda says, "the most important thing in life is style . . . for if man defines himself by doing, then style is doubly definitive because style describes the doing." That quote, that idea, has been pretty constant in my life since I first read it back in 1972. I'm wondering though, if I have put my style on hold, or lost sight of it, or maybe never actually found it, developed it, embraced it? What does it say about me if it just evolves too quickly for me to grasp it?


  1. Whoa, that's some pretty deep do-do or should I say hair-do? ;-) At least by working in a school you are exposed to more of the latest or newer styles out there. Sometimes I wonder if I retire will I just blend into the background? ...Missing all the new things that are happening in the world without me even knowing?

  2. I recently found previously undiscovered value in advancing through middle age and the associated hereditary male pattern baldness - your bad hair days almost completely disappear! You gotta get cuts more regularly though because looking shaggy around the ears if more obvious and affects your aerodynamics.
