Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A winner

The other night I dreamed that I won $10,000,000 on a scratch-off lottery ticket. Of course, I always interpret things like that as omens. So today I bought a scratch-off. I don't think they have one for $10,000,000, so I just asked the guy for the dollar scratch-off with the highest payout. It turned out to be $500 a week for twenty years. Now that would be a nice supplement to my retirement pay.

The back of the ticket informed me that I had a 1 in 6 million chance of winning that $500 a week. I know that may not sound like very good odds, but I'm one in over 6,789,000,000 people in the world, so it seemed to me my odds of winning on this scratch-off are better than that. I was psyched. Once I got the ticket, I had to decide whether I should scratch it off right then, or wait until I got home. How was I to know if that decision would affect the karma of whether I won or lost. Since I had to meet someone at home, I decided to wait. When I got home, I had to walk Elvis. Again, the scratching was postponed. Finally, after Elvis and I got home and he had some fresh water and hugs, it was time for the scratch-off!

And now you are wondering if I won. And yes, I did. I won enough to buy another scratch-off tomorrow. The way I see it, my odds are even better now!

1 comment:

  1. Whoooohooooo! We have a winner!
    Hope it's a bigger one next time Rebecita!
