Sunday, October 25, 2009

Enlighten me--please!

I went to a Buddhist meditation this morning. She talked about emptying our minds so we can understand our interdependence with others. In this way we can become more accepting of others and ourselves and not be so distracted when they piss us off. Well, I guess what she was really saying was that if we can really achieve this emptiness, we won't really get upset and pissed off anymore. And I was thinking, I was getting this information a week too late. I could have really used it last week at work when I had to spend three days on my feet administering a test, while there were others who didn’t have to do any of it! If I'd only known how to empty all those thoughts about how physically exhausted I was, how much pain my lower body was experiencing, how my work was not getting done, how I was probably going to catch the H1N1 from one those sickly kids, or how badly I needed to go to the bathroom--if all those things hadn't been racing around in my mind, I probably could have really enjoyed that experience. Yea, and monkeys could have flown . . .

I think this emptying skill is going to take a great deal of practice on my part!


  1. I have found that listening to drunken, cathartic rock n roll or trashy, thrashy party rock achieves this "emptying" of the mind your meditation instructor describes. Or is it the destruction of brain cells that is working in my case? Hmmmm . . .

  2. In my opinion, you need outside help (read "good drugs" to achieve such a state of not caring. Let me know if meditation works too.

  3. Thank you DavidDog for bringing a new perspective to where I might find whatever it is I am looking for . . . maybe I should try the rock method. At least I wouldn't have to deal with some deity beyond maybe Mick Jagger, Bruce Springstein, Bono . . .
