Thursday, May 26, 2011

My High School Graduation, Revisited

I had no idea that there would be a retirement dinner for all of the retirees, but when I got the invitation in the mail, I knew I would have to attend. I was curious about it. Plus, it made me feel a bit like Jack Nicholson in ABOUT SCHMIDT--maybe I should start corresponding with a kid from Tanzania. Nah. But the food was really good, and all 200+ of us marched up when our names were called and got our certificates and shook hands with School Board members, etc. It really was just like graduating from high school for the second time--only it felt a whole lot better this time! The Superintendent wasn't there, however, to ask me where I was going to go to college . . .

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I like oysters

I hope actually being retired feels as good as being this close to retirement feels. If it does, the rest of my life is going to feel pretty danged good! I want to tell everybody at work who is unhappy about something or other (and let's face it, there is usually something to be unhappy about in any work place), "Hey, just retire, it won't matter anymore!" Retiring is an amazing elixir for the things that can drive one crazy at work. I see these things now and I think, "Eh, I'm sorry about how it will affect these people," but I don't have to be stressed about it. I've left jobs before, and it was always a great relief, but it didn't compare to this feeling. I feel now like my life is truly MY oyster. I will be as close as I will ever be to financial independence, and freedom to do what I want, when I want. And while my finances will limit me, I will compensate with my interests and imagination, which are pretty much boundless. So, I am very excited to see what I will do.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Leap to freedom

OK folks, the paperwork has been processed! I have NINE, that's 9 more days of work! A very pleasant and wondrous surprise is that I am even more excited than I ever imagined I would be. It feels completely right. Little things pop into my head and give me a rush. For instance, tonight while getting clothes ready for the week, I realized--I won't have to do it like this anymore. I felt that chore fly right off my shoulders. And I know that other surprises are going to slam into me producing even more thrills. By the last day of work I will be so high they will probably bring the pot sniffing dogs to school to check me out!