Tuesday, March 2, 2010

E/T Phone Home

I'm still alive. I'm still thinking thinking thinking about retiring. And I've actually been engaged in gathering (or attempting to gather) more information concerning my retirement. I talked to someone at ERS who was going to get information from the folks at TRS and get back to me in three or four days. That was almost two weeks ago and I still don't have any information! Then I went to a retirement seminar, where I did learn a few things--like there are lots of other school library folks looking into retirement! That is also where I saw Pat, another school librarian who follows this blog and she made me promise to post something again, so here I am. [This post is totally stream-of-unconsciousness, and I'm sure you will soon realize that my unconsciousness can be just as inane as my consciousness. So much so that it is sometimes hard to tell the difference.]

One of the things I was particularly hoping to get out of the seminar was a better understanding of the whole Social Security thing, but I found that presentation to be about as clear as mud. Maybe it was just that it was late in the day, but I really didn't understand what she was saying, and when I asked for a clarification, it didn't become any clearer. But, I did come away with the "feeling" that I could actually go and talk with someone at the Social Security office. So, I may try to do that over Spring break.

One of the things I am kind of sure of is that I won't be working this summer. But then, what does kind of sure mean? Basically it means that if I do decide to work this summer, I expect my friends to intervene and knock some sense into me!

So, there you have it. Now I must go prepare for my Academy Awards party by watching another movie from Netflix.


  1. The Social Security office is in the building right next door to where I work. It's awful. There are always tons of people there. Be prepared to waste some valuable time waiting to talk to someone. Bring something to read, food, water, supplies for coping with a large room of folks speaking in various languages. You might want to try to make an appointment first.
